Thursday, 21 February 2013

REACTION FOR MANIFESTATION (..continues)                        
Your reaction should be based on the following Platforms:

·        Knowledge of your spiritual Identity.
When you don’t know who you are, you suffer what others suffer! Any time unpleasant conditions persist in your life, it is an indication that you don’t know who you are. John the Baptist according to scriptures was the greatest of all men born of a woman, but ignorance of his Identity made him suffer as a prisoner and died a commoner. Religion tells you, you are a son of God, but Spirituality tells you, you are a god! (John 10:35)(Psalms 82:6). You are not ordinary- you are born of God and whatever is born of God overcometh the world; like beget like, ye are gods!

·        As a god; know what is available to you.
Apart from knowing who you are, you must know what is available to you. When Elijah was taken up, God promised he would return and so John the Baptist came in the fullness of the Spirit of Elijah, John had the spirit that could call fire from above but he didn’t know. You must understand that there are things that are available for you, in you, that you must use in this world otherwise the devil will tamper with your life.
These things are called ‘weapons for survival ‘which are given to you as a god. These weapons are:

1.      Your mouth: ( Luke 21:15 )
The greatest gift God has made available to any man is the ‘’Mouth’’, the mouth is the most powerful weapon that display’s your godliness. At creation, the earth was without form and void, but by the spoken word of God- The earth took shape. The way to become a god is through the proper use of the mouth. You can use your mouth to kill any thing you don’t want in your life, don’t complain. The Israelites failed to enter the Promised Land as a result of the wrong usage of the mouth, choose the words you speaks. Use your mouth to create a way for yourself.
Mk 11:23. Gods call ‘’ the things that be not as though they were’’. Matt. 21:21 by calling out the things, you create the atmosphere of acceptability.

2.     The spirit of God.
You are a god because you have the spirit of God in you. You need to understand it, appreciate it and acknowledge it, so that you can maximize it. Rom. 8:11, it is important to know that by the virtue of the spirit, there are certain conditions and situations that must not persist. You have the spirit of God in you and nothing can hold you down; see yourself as the dwelling of God, and this understanding makes the manifestation of the word evident. What makes you different from others is what you carry. You react on the knowledge of what you have!

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