Matthew 11:1-14
Manifestation is the physical reflection of what you have taken in the realms of the
spirit. Everything God gives has already being given in the realms of the
spirit and until you understand it, you can’t reconcile your physical
manifestation with your spiritual expectations.
Manifestation is the end result of every spiritual process, when there is no manifestation,
it casts a doubt on your commitment, practice and the fact that you are truly
serving God.
The bible says ‘’by their fruits, ye shall know
them ’’ (Matt.7:20), that you are a Christian by name is not a proof of
Christianity, the proof of Christianity is the fruit you bear.
The tangibility, reality, substantiality and
the apparent physical manifestation of what you believe is the fruit. At a
point when the theology of Jesus was question, He referred them to the works He
had done because ‘’No man doeth such things except the spirit of God be with him’’
(John 3:2). As a Christian,
you must have a result oriented mentality in God.
The Bible speaking in the book of 2Peter 1:3,
‘’ According
as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and
Ephesians 1:3 also buttresses the fact that,
all Jesus died to give, suffered to acquire are all in the realms of the spirit
and it is our responsibility as Christians to take it. More often than not, God
is expecting us to take and not wait for it to come. Matt 11:12… and
only the violent take it by force. It is in the place of violence that
you balance your physical manifestation with your spiritual expectation. So
what is violence? According to my definition;
‘’Violence is a
spiritual reaction to every ungodly development’’. When you see that events
around you are not scriptural, don’t permit it. Any time you see the devil at
work, don’t tolerate, don’t accommodate and don’t permit. For, it is in your
reaction that God goes into action! And
when God goes into action, your manifestation is certain. Therefore the bridge
between manifestation and your expectation is REACTION.
Written in the book of Psalms 2:8, ‘’Ask of me, I will give you the
heathen for your inheritance and uttermost part of the earth for your
possession’’. You have not done anything about that situation that is
why God has not done something. Check the Bible; until the Israelites started
reacting, God did not send Moses as their deliverer. (Exo. 2:23). The Children
of Israel were supposed to spend 400 years in Egypt but suddenly spent 430
years. Why? Is it because God was unable to help them out? No! When God was
speaking to Moses He said, ‘’ I have heard the cry of my people’’.
It was their reaction that brought about God’s intervention and He sent Moses.
If Hannah had not reacted, she would have remained Barren, if blind Bartimaeus
had not reacted- He would have died a blind man. As a Child of God you need to
understand that all God has given to you are in the realms of the spirit, it is
your reaction that translates them into the physical. There is a level of
discontentment that opens you up to the next level of your life. I have come to
discover that, as a Child of God, there are some things that you should not
accept, and accommodate, particularly when they are unscriptural, satanic and
do not tally with God’s promises and prophecies for your life. It is your
reaction (your action) to ungodly occurrences that guarantees your
manifestation (God’s action). Jesus speaking in Matthew 7:7 said ‘’ask
and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened
unto you’’. Your
understanding of these dimensions of reaction brings about certain
manifestation in your life. Some of you need to get out of your confession,
move into action, and get your possession.
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