Monday 11 December 2017

Manifesting Greatly in Life and Ministry by Apostle Paul Odola

If you are not in the place of followership, it is easier to copy the act but you would'nt get thesame result.

Don't desire a result without looking for the process.

reason why you need to follow men who through faith and
patient...(Hebrews 6:12 KJV: That ye be not slothful, but followers of
them who ...)it is beacuse in their patient they have observed what
works and what doesn't!

In following you are benefitting from a man's patient so your speed is faster!
It is in following that we are made but it's unfurtunate we have men who are not made in ministry because they never followed.

It is in following you are made by instruction, rebuke, reproof, etc...It is in following that your tools become sharper.